Wanted: tiny, adorable, drunk-acting human with no common sense. Found: my 15 month old. Have you spent time with a 15 month old lately? They're one of the best stages of human. For example, my 15 month old can balance crackers on his head for a really, really long time. Sometimes we just make him walk around with crackers on his head for laughs. He's also freakishly good at ascertaining where I've hidden his shoes and socks and convincing unwitting grandparents to put them on, take them off, put them, take them off--you understand. He's fantastic at understanding things. When he sees a clean diaper coming, he runs in circles squealing and laughing and doesn't stop until he trips on his own feet. If we leave the door open, he will escape to the outside and run along the sidewalk, only to make an abrupt, desperate dash into traffic. And when I pick him up, he will arch his back at the horror and unfairness of not being allowed to run his chubby self...
Life & Thought Blog. No style apparent.