Secondary title: FAQs about Baby Maurer #2. Due Date : June 8, 2018. I'm mentally prepping to go late, so probably some time in mid-June. I'm hoping to try for a VBAC, so the timing is a bit tricky. My C section with Lando was great and I'm not opposed to a repeat one, but at the moment, the plan is to wait for labor. How's Landon doing? : He is THRILLED. All his friends have little siblings, and he's now convinced that he's a big brother to every baby. He was slightly concerned that I ate the baby in my stomach, but I cleared that up quickly. Did I know I was pregnant when we moved: Yes! I found out at 3.5 weeks. I had been crying angrily that Stephen was cruel enough to buy me mittens (true story), and wanted to take a pregnancy test before I got my flu shot. And..I threw the test away before the two lines appeared. Pregnant, impatient ENFPs for the win. For whatever unknown reason, I dug that pregnancy test out of the trash and saw two lines. Na...
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