There are a few [read: many] characteristics that I don't want my son to inherit from me. In fact, it's usually difficult to name more than one characteristic that I hope to pass on. (Tenacity is the one. I have it in spades.) But I discovered a new one the other day: empathy. "Empathy: the ability to understand and share the feelings of another." (Thanks Google for the definition!) It's a difficult skill if it's not natural, and a heavy weight when it is. I can look someone in the eye, hear their words, and feel their pain filling my heart. It's why people believed me at Starbucks when I said, "I'm so sorry this went wrong," because I could lace my words with genuine empathy. It feels like betrayal to be handed something you don't want. It can be nauseating to lose money--especially when you had such high hopes for money spent. The other day, I posted a PSA for my Facebook friends. In case they didn't know, certain restau...
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