Dear world, She's a GIRL! Or, as Lando says, a grrrrirrrl . I booked a private ultrasound for 17w,1d because the anatomy scan for Baby wasn't until after 22 weeks. It felt ridiculous to pay for an ultrasound when I'd be getting the same thing for free in just a few weeks, but I wanted to know. Badly. As a bonus, Landon was actually allowed in this ultrasound room--since the one at our hospital is in Radiology and children aren't allowed there--and I thought it would make a fun family outing. So away we went. Over the motorway in some unknown direction--I have no sense of direction here--to a cute little boutique in the middle of Nowhere, England. The waiting room was equipped with toys, which worked in our favor since we had to wait an extra twenty minutes since the other womb dwellers ahead of us weren't cooperating. That made me nervous. Maybe this was a horrible, rotten idea, and Baby would cross its little legs and that would be that. Finally, we...
Life & Thought Blog. No style apparent.