I used to see religion as a warm, safe place. It was somewhere that created a routine, a social network, and a place of belonging. Oh, and we were right. About everything. And that’s a great feeling, being right. Never having to doubt. Knowing my neighbor was wrong, but I was right. It was strange how every other religion was Oh So Wrong. So clear how they hurt other people. So obvious that the adherents were worshiping themselves, rather than a god. And then I..changed. They’d say that I fell away. The people in the pews. Because I was no longer convinced that I was better than others. That I could be cruel, selfish, vain, and legalistic, and it was okay if I sat in a pew on Sunday. In fact, I could doubt and wonder and process as much as I needed, if I kept mindlessly repeating the same tropes as everyone in the pew. Recite the same Bible verses. Sit in the same seat. Drink the same bad coffee. Go to the sa...
Life & Thought Blog. No style apparent.